Inspiring positive change through their collections
Over the last few years Sho Promo have mainly worked almost exclusively with organic cotton clothing. There are a few companies out there who have organic cotton lines in their collections. But Stanley/Stella tick all the boxes, plus they make excellent garments. They are totally committed and congruent in their mission.. Here's what they have to say about their own business model.
Sustainability is at the core of our business culture. We are committed to continuously improving how we create and operate, from the cotton farm to the collection, to how we manage our waste. We always act with transparency for people, the planet, and society.
The Stanley/Stella Charter
Our planet faces huge environmental, social, and economic challenges. The fashion industry has a duty to respond to these challenges and to changing needs around the world. Sustainability and care for our planet and its people have always been at the heart of Stanley/Stella’s activities.
The Stanley/Stella Charter, launched in 2022, is our guiding framework which represents what we stand for as a company in the garment industry. It articulates our commitment to addressing critical environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues in our area of influence, and outlines the ten core principles that guide our behaviour and inspire the entire Stanley/Stella community to care about our planet and its people.